Sunday, November 13, 2011

On Not Doing It All

I realized today that perhaps I try to do too much. I just signed up for an online medical writing course. I'm also trying to launch a jewelry line made of drilled seaglass pieces. And I want to keep up this blog, and my other one,

This is all in addition to working full-time and trying to be a good mother to my two young children. S is now 3-1/2, and C is 15 months. And of course I want to be a decent wifey, now that I'm officially married and all.

But my sense of time is skewed. I left work an hour early the other day, and because it was still light out I believed I would be able to do my Tracy Anderson Post-Pregnancy workout, start fixing dinner, and do a few loads of laundry, all before N came home with the kids. Obviously, little to none of this got accomplished. I might have done 10 minutes of the workout before the girls came home and C started crawling on me.

I'm trying to be more in the moment, as they say. When I try to fit too much in to one day, I don't pay attention to any of the actual moments of the day.

Do you ever get the sense that some people climb mountains just to be able to say they climbed a mountain? I don't want to say someday that I lived a good life and have two wonderful grown children. I want to live the life. Sometimes I feel like I'm forgetting to do so.