Sunday, May 20, 2007

Am I Blue?

Feeling sort of down today. Next weekend is a long weekend, and I get to spend 4 whole days with N in New York. So I should be happy and looking forward to that. And I am. But on the following Tuesday, I start my new job. I don't know if it's more anxiety-producing to start this new job, or to continue to live off my credit cards. Neither course of action is very appealing. Working again means I won't be able to spend 4-5 days at a time with N. It also means I'm really living here, in another city, with responsibilities and a brand new life. Wow, major reality check. I am looking forward to having a routine here, cash flow, to going to yoga again after work and to meeting friends for drinks after work, all the things I used to do and know how to do. And of course to the job itself, learning about a whole new aspect of the healthcare system, and being challenged again. But it will also be hard to say goodbye to this easy life I've been living, one of excessive coffee consumption, conjugal visits to my boyfriend in New York, and apartment fixing-upping. Ah well. It was fun while it lasted!


Norberto said...

Why, you should put out a call to your friends to meet up for a drink one night this weekend...kareoke in the hook, perhaps?

mrsgreen said...

Yes, work sucks. It's so much better when all time is 'your' time. This is not to say that a job can't be incredibly fulfilling and give structure to your life, but alarm clocks are a drag, and asking the boss for time off is 'un-adult'. I'm all for the hobo lifestyle...but I also like money.

buy a essay said...

Yeah, sometimes it's very difficult to get the changes your life offers. But in time you get used to them and find them very nice.