Thursday, June 28, 2007

We Love That Dirty Water!

N sang that song about Boston the night we met at Hope & Anchor in Red Hook. The song choice is what it gave me the courage to go up and talk to him, thinking he might be a nice New England boy. Instead, he turned out to be a nice Midwestern boy who had never even set foot in New England (my, how that has changed). And now he's moving to Portland with me. Maine, Minnesota--they're both cold, what's the difference!

Last weekend we decided we should check out the city that brought us together. After taking in the Wilco show at the Bank of America Pavillion (a name which absolutely no one in New England seems to recognize--they must all call it by it's former name--possibly the bandshell? Over by the aquarium?) we stayed at a hotel near Fanueil Hall. The next day, I showed N where I played a French horn recital in 8th grade outside of Fanueil Hall, and then we walked all around the wharves. N said Boston reminded him of Minneapolis. Ting-Tong liked the dolphins. (turn your head sideways)

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