Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pea Soup

When we woke up yesterday morning, the fog was so thick we could barely see across the street. The day before, it had been completely sunny on the West End, while I was at work, and I almost didn't believe Nick when he said he couldn't see the water from our apartment on the East End. He picked me up at work a few hours later, and sure enough, as soon as we crossed Franklin Arterial, in the middle of the city, we went from pure sunshine to a wall of fog. By Saturday morning, the fog still hadn't lifted. We woke up, Nick made coffee, then we fed the animals. Foghorns sounded every so often, and we wrapped ourselves in blankets to drink hot coffee on the deck. If it was sunny across town, I didn't want to know about it. I wanted to stay in our cocoon, oblivious to the outside world.

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