Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week in pictures

Not a lot has been happening around here. The first full week back at the office in a while was slightly tortuous, so much so that I couldn't even drag myself in by the time Friday rolled around. Luckily, I'd brought home some files and was able to work from home before my afternoon doctor's appointment. I probably got just as much done in a morning of intense concentration as I usually do in a whole day in cube-land trying to fend off unwanted conversations from Chatty Cathy and trying to ignore the feet stomping and sighing and shouting over the top of my cubicle that comes from my neighbor, CB.

CB drinks nothing but diet soda (she claims to get her water from the ice that melts in her giant igloo/thermos that she keeps filled with Diet Coke all day). She just spent an entire week home with some sort of illness that left her dehydrated and vomiting. By Thursday, we began to notice a strong odor in cube-land. The financial manager who directs the other women I share space with had them call maintenance. I wasn't there for this part, but apparently the maintenance crew pulled open vents and looked behind every nook and cranny, expecting to find a dead rodent. Ultimately, it was Kathy from California who found the offender: a chicken sandwich, sitting in a bag under CB's desk. It had been there for a full week, including the previous weekend. Just, please, get me out of there, now.

Ok, now for the pictures. I don't know if you can tell from this first one, but we had some cold weather recently:
Wiley tried to bundle up in my maternity sweater:
I FINALLY finished my mom's scarf, and even mailed it off to her the same day:
The Penney Ugland came to visit:
And Thumbs got comfortable in her new pad:
Do NOT try to rouse her:

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