Friday, May 9, 2008

Say What?

I think being pregnant and giving birth have decreased both my memory and my hearing ability. Or else having my mom stay with us for a week has caused me to pick up some of her habits. Or else certain traits that I associate with my mom in particular are actually traits that befall women in our family once they spend nine months bathed in pregnancy hormones. I can't tell if I am simply mimicking my mom's speech patterns, or if part of my brain has been forever suppressed and won't ever re-emerge under the weight of me thinking and worrying about my child. Here is a sample of a typical conversation with my mother:

Mom: "Can you hand me the um….[long pause]….the um…."
Me: "The what mom?"
Mom: "The uh….the phone."

And this is a sample of what my conversations with Nick have been like ever since we had the baby:

Me: "Babe, when you go out can you pick up some….um…."
Nick: Waiting patiently for me to finish….
Me: "Some uh…what's it called…some yogurt?"

Besides forgetting very basic vocabulary words, I've also had to ask Nick to repeat himself a lot more often than I ever did before the baby, something my mom also does (to an alarming degree). And, paradoxically, I find myself turning down our music, just like my mom always did when I was a teenager. I think I'm just so tired that any noise over a murmur sets me on edge. Yet I can't hear anyone when they speak at a normal volume.
Is this motherhood?

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