Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Calm Before the Stork*

Only five weeks to go. Before I have a baby. What a strange state of anticipation to be in. It’s different than waiting to graduate from college, or to start a new job. Because I had some idea of what life after college would be like, and some idea of what most of my new jobs would be like. But this, this is completely different. A total transformation. For me, for Nick, for me and Nick as a couple. Sometimes I can’t even believe what I’ve gotten myself into. Other times I wonder why I’ve waited so long.

Leaving work today I decided to walk home. I took my time, stopping in shops along the way. I got some buttons at the yarn store on Congress St., looked for a pack of thank-you cards at Ferdinand ($15 for 6? No way, even if they are Graham & Snow), and finally, when I realized I was too exhausted to walk the rest of the way home, stopped at Homegrown for some sniffle-kicking tea. Nick met me there, and then we decided to go out for Thai food.

When the stork finally delivers, will I ever be able to have such a non-planned, carefree Friday evening again? Probably not until the baby is 16 years old! A night like this (which was pretty tame to begin with), will, post-partum, probably require multiple arrangements with baby-sitters, Nick, me, daycare providers, and, on some level, the baby herself. They say that when the baby’s still young (like, under 6 months or so) you can pretty much take her anywhere. But once she starts to get a mind of her own, the baby’s mood, temperament, and sleep schedules are going to have a much larger say in our evening plans than whether we’re in the mood for Thai or Indian food.

I’m sure we will love spending evenings in, doing nothing but ogling our adorable baby girl. And I’m really looking forward to it. It’s just shocking to me that our old, boring, predictable life is going to change so much by bringing another life into the world. I can’t wait!

* I have to credit Nick with this heading. It's become our mantra.


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Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baby. I love the name Sadie. It's my grandmother's name and if I ever have another baby, and it's a girl, I may use it too.

Love your photos and your knitting as well!

Deja Vu on the post title.

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