Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pity Party is Over

Okay, I was definitely feeling sorry for myself in that last post. Maybe I wasn't yet ready to accept how much work--like, manual labor type of work, on your feet, getting up and down, dealing with smells and trash and junk work--goes into having a child and animals and a "house." Okay, Mom and Dad, I get it now. 

But I must say that having Nick around more has made it all a lot easier. He works 40 hours now, instead of 70, and twice this week he even brought Sadie to daycare while I sat around in my pajamas drinking coffee making myself late for work. Like right now. But it's blissful. And I can't seem to get my butt off this big, red cozy chair... 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yay for getting a moment to catch your breath! It's so easy to get lost in the flow...