Monday, February 25, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

I feel I've been remiss in not mentioning what an amazing cook Nick is. He's been especially great with this whole gestational diabetes thing, helping me stay on track with my meals and thinking up great dinners. Tonight he made us broiled mahi-mahi with Clementine oranges, butter, garlic, and rosemary, with sides of avocado, rice and broccoli. It was a delicious meal, met my current low-carb guidelines, and made me feel (for a moment) as if I were in Hawaii, not Maine, in February.

I always hoped I'd end up with a man who could cook (and liked to do so), because if mealtimes were entirely up to me, it'd be beans and rice every night for life, with the occasional plate of pasta thrown in for good measure. My poor child would grow up not knowing what properly salted food tasted like, thinking that dinner always came wrapped in a tortilla or smothered in tomato sauce. She would also think that chocolate cake was a legitimate food group, since I do like to bake, and do so pretty well upon occasion. (I also make killer pancakes, which shot my blood sugar up much too high last weekend.) But when it comes to the workaday meals that one needs to, like, survive, and get nutrients from, I'd rather someone who can actually improvise in the kitchen be the one preparing my meals. Thanks Nick! I'll gladly do the dishes.

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